I am in the process of obtaining a passport to go to England next year with my cousin. We are going to meet our second cousins on our grandfather's side.
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To get a passport you need to have a birth certificate with your parents names on it. My certificate just has my name, date and place of birth. I guess it called a short form. My Dad requested this in the 1961.
I requested a copy of my birth certificate from New York City by using the third party service that is available and it is fast.
Last night I received and email with the following information.
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Your order has been voided due to the following reasons: The mother's first and last name you provided is incorrect. Any payments will be refunded. Please do not reply to this email. This email is sent from the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene.
I was shocked! What? Why? I know who my mother is, I am even DNA matches to second cousins from the same line. Stung and not thinking clearly and wondering what they are talking about and it being 11 PM; I posted on New York City Genealogy group on Facebook. The next best place to go to get ideas.
I received some very helpful suggestions.
One gal suggested I send a copy of my parent's marriage certificate and my short form birth certificate. To show that Edith was my mother.
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One person asked if my step mother adopted me. Yes, she did when I was 10 or 11. I remember going to a lawyers office and signing the papers with my parents. The lawyer thought I was very clever, because of how I signed my name. It didn't fit on the line provide, I had to use my full name, Mary Elizabeth and Surname and I made it fit by continuing under the printed text next to the line. My Dad and Mom wanted me to be adopted as we were moving to Florida from New York City and he didn't want any one to question my step mom's rights. Plus she loved me and this made me her daughter.
Because I was adopted a new certificate was issued with Annette being my mother. I have two adopted daughters I know this happens. I did not apply this knowledge to myself. I think of Edith as my mother and Annette as my second Mom who raised me. So my birth certificate should have Edith on it.
As you can see many heads do help us solve a problem. And even though we know all the facts, some times getting the documentation to prove the facts hit a road block. Plus we forget some important details along the way.
Luckily, the state of New York passed a bill that adoptees can get their birth records. The bill is on the governor's desk waiting for his signature.
I might see if I can get a copy of both birth certificates at the same time. If I can't I am going to order a birth certificate with my step mom's name and when the bill is signed I will get one with my birth mother's name on it.
The good thing is I didn't have to show my birth certificate to get my passport because I already had one, that proved who I was. It is just 40 years old. I still want a copy of my full birth certificate for genealogical purposes.