I haven't done this topic suggestion before but after what I received in the email yesterday I thought it was a perfect day to post this special entry. As some of you who follow me on Facebook know, I meet a second cousin this week from England on my mother's side. We have been sending emails back and forth all week. I sent her some pictures I had of Chaplins. And yesterday she sent me some pictures of Chaplins in England.
When I read the email and she told me who was who in the picture and I read that the lady front row center is my Maternal Great Grandmother, it brought tears to my eyes. Do you know what it is like to work with someone over the phone for a long time and suddenly meet them and have a face to put to a name. It's kind of fun and completes the relationship. Every time you talk to them on the phone after that, you think of how they look.
Well this is what this was like only stronger. This is family. This is the first picture I have of any great grandparents.
Her names is Mary Ann Holmes Chaplin, she raised 11 children and my hat goes off to anyone who can do that, I had my hands full with 3. She was preceded in death by her husband, my grandfather William T, another son Percy, and my mother her grand daughter Edith. Even if they were in America and she was in England, that had to hard on her. An ocean may separate you but a heart is never separated.
Now for the other people in the picture front row, Elsie a sister to my grandfather, Mary Ann, Victor a brother to my grandfather and he is holding Baby Ruth, who is Elsie's granddaughter.
Standing George Ward, Lilian the parents of Ruth and unknown. Lilian is a daughter of Elsie and George is her husband.

Here in this picture are the Chaplins in America, Back row, Great Uncle Victor, Uncle Bill my Mother's brother, Great Uncle Herbert. The lovely ladies are Bunnie Uncle Bills wife and my Mother Edith.
I'm not sure how much Victor was in America but he died in England.
A BIG Thank You to my cousin in England for sharing with me, she was very generous with her information. Plus, I hope I have a new friend.

Mary, that's just beautiful. I can feel all of the emotion that you put into this post. I pray that your meeting with your cousin goes well. I look forward to reading about it and seeing the pictures.